Get longer tool life with an adjustable stroke press

As discussed in our previous article about the relationship between downtime and repair costs, there's also a relationship between tool life and impact velocity when a press is in action. Let's discuss how to get longer tool life with an adjustable stroke press.

You probably already know that tool maintenance can be expensive. There are preventative technologies out there that are worth investing in to protect and maintain the longevity of your tools.

One of these preventative technologies is an adjustable stroke press.

How does an adjustable stroke press increase tool life?

Recall that an adjustable stroke press uses shorter strokes. This inherently reduces the velocity at the point where the die punches make contact with the material.

Tool in place

Similar to a person going down a short slide, the impact of a person hitting the ground at the end of the slide will be much less than when going down a long slide.

This is because velocity has a chance to build up, resulting in a higher impact upon contact with the ground.

The more this person goes down the long slide with faster velocity, the quicker their body will begin the ache from the repeated impact with the ground.

So, when the stroke length on an adjustable stroke press is reduced, the impact velocity is also reduced, resulting in less wear and tear to your tools and dies over time.

Want to see a technical illustration of ram velocity on an adjustable stroke press vs. a fixed stroke press? Check out our other article here.

Contact us today to learn more about our adjustable stroke press technology and discuss your stamping needs.


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